Our Team

Robert Clark, PhD
Rob founded EcoData Technology in 2021. He brings over a decade of experience working with growers to solve problems using environmental data. Rob helps EcoData’s clients understand which management practices are working to best serve stakeholders. Prior to founding EcoData, Rob was an Assistant Research Professor at Washington State University.

Michele Masiello
Michele manages EcoData Technology's business functions and sets commercial strategy. He was an early employee at two financial technology startups that were acquired by Goldman Sachs and FIS. Prior to co-founding EcoData, Michele was a Vice President at Goldman Sachs where he structured and negotiated partnerships with Fortune 500 companies, including Walmart and JetBlue Airlines.

Alejandro Alaniz, PhD
Agricultural Data Scientist
Alejandro brings over a decade of experience in agricultural entomology with a diverse skillset encompassing biological pest management, population genetics, resistance management, and pesticide development. He has leveraged his expertise in R programming to support strategic product development and optimized industry research workflows by developing web applications for efficient data analyses. In his previous role, he served as senior research scientist where he led biological pesticide discovery and quality control.

Melanie Kammerer, PhD
Senior Geospatial Data Scientist
Melanie has 12 years of experience using geospatial data to support agriculture and conservation decision-making, with expertise in R programming, GDAL and geospatial analyses, high-performance computing, and ecological modeling. Melanie’s previous academic research focused on landscape and climate drivers of wild-bee communities and spatio-temporal modeling of floral resources. Prior to joining EcoData, Melanie was a post-doctoral researcher at the USDA Agricultural Research Service.

Alexander Blake, PhD
Senior Biological Data Scientist
Alex brings 5 years of consulting data science experience supporting product and business plan development and public sector decision-making with machine learning, hypothesis testing, agent-based and financial modeling, and app development. In his previous academic research, Alex modeled the ecological and evolutionary dynamics of marine and plant systems in response to climate change, resource fluctuations, and invasive pests.

Timothy Farkas, PhD
Director of Data Science
Tim has 10 years of experience as an academic biologist with specialties in plant-insect interactions, community ecology, evolutionary biology, and data analysis. Following postdoctoral work, Tim worked as a consulting data scientist and software engineer across the agriculture, public utilities, national security, and medical industries, among others. Tim has graduate degrees in biology and statistics, and excels at managing projects and product development efforts at the intersection of environmental biology, machine learning, and mathematical statistics.